
Social Media Pictures Lead to Felony Charge for Florida Woman

“Do it for the gram” is a 21st-century phrase that refers to when a person does stuff for the sole purpose of posting it to Instagram for likes and attention. Recently, a 20-year-old Florida woman got in some serious trouble when she did just that by posting pictures of her riding on a sea turtle’s back. The photographs went viral and also caught the attention of Florida officials.

Florida is home to the biggest population of sea turtles and is very protective of these aquatic animals. Under the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission rules, it is a felony violation to possess, sell, or molest a marine turtle or a marine turtle nest of eggs. These animals are protected under the Federal Endangered Species Act of 1973, due to their classification as an endangered species. Violations of the sea turtle regulations are classified as a third-degree felony, with possible imprisonment up to five years and/or a $5,000 fine.

When local police responded to a disturbance Saturday night, they identified Moore as a wanted felon. Melbourne law enforcement then arrested Moore and booked her in Brevard County Jail. Sitting on a turtle, as she did, not only limits its mobility but can also cause damage to its ribs or sternum.  A felony can bring serious consequences like losing your right to vote, your right to possess a firearm, or even a loss of employment.

Just like this Florida woman, everyone is entitled to legal representation when facing charges. At Michael B Cohen Law, our priority is making sure that you receive the best legal representation for your federal crime cases. You can schedule a free consultation with us today and learn about your options and ways in which we can help you and your future.


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